Notice Mailing

Fiduciary Peach of MindTM

A Retirement Plan Outsourcing Service

We know the rules. We know who must get which required plan notices and when. Our Fiduciary Peace of Mind service delivers the notices and with processes in place to deal with returned and undeliverable mail. And, if the DOL ever asks about participant communications in an audit, we’ll be there to answer for you.

Determine Notice Eligibility

Not everyone in your plan is necessarily required to get every notice. Some notices only need to go to active participants. Some notices, such as Summaries of Material Modifications, only need to go to the affected participants. We use records from your payroll system and plan recordkeeping system to determine who must receive which notices.

Assemble Notice Packages
Deliver Notice Packages

We mail notice packages to participants’ homes using addresses in your payroll system. Our commercial printing partner compares those addresses to the US Postal Service database to determine if any participant has updated their address with the post office, but not with you, their employer.

Note: If we can meet the Department of Labor and Internal Revenue Service rules for emailing, we email notice packages instead.


Summary Plan Descriptions
Updates and Amendments to Fee Disclosure Notices
Summary Annual Reports
Summaries of Material Modifications
Safe Harbor Notices
Fund Change Notices
Fee Disclosure Notices - 404(a)(5)
Automatic Enrollment Notices
QDIA Notices

As an ERISA 3(16) Plan Administrator, Fiduciary Outsourcing is here to reduce the administrative effortresource burden and risk of liability of your retirement plan. We implement customized outsourcing options to fit your needs so that you can rest easy knowing your plan is compliant with rules and regulations.